Essential Factors to Consider when Selecting a Rainwater Tank for Drinking Water

12 March 2018
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Having safe and plentiful drinking water routinely becomes a concern for many people in Australia. However, by implementing proper rainwater management systems, the effects of water scarcity can be kept at bay, at least for a short time.

Instead of drinking from the taps or relying solely on a well, people can collect water in rainwater tanks for eventual drinking, although precautions must be taken when choosing rainwater storage tanks. This article discusses different factors to consider when selecting a rainwater tank for safe drinking water.

Tank Longevity -- Rainwater storage tanks are made of different materials with varying lengths of service life. When a container reaches the end of its service life, it will start breaking down irrespective of the material, and the byproducts of this process may compromise the safety of drinkable rainwater. For this reason, information on a tank's longevity should rank high on the list of parameters to look for when selecting rainwater tank for drinking purposes.

For instance, average-quality poly tanks might last a couple of years, but as they near the end of service life, the insides will start chipping away thereby contaminate rainwater with harmful plastic chips. As such, it is critical to make sure that rainwater tanks with extended service life are used.

Sunlight Protection -- For algae to grow and survive it needs direct sunlight, which is terrible news for drinking water. Rainwater tanks should be sealed off in all the right places to prevent algae growth. Additionally, the sealing material should be robust enough to withstand damage that might allow penetration of sunlight.

For instance, if you choose stainless steel or poly tanks, then only high-quality steel and plastic should be used. If concrete is the preferable choice, then the ratio of the concrete mixture should be standard to prevent cracks that might allow sunlight to penetrate.

Tank Accessorising -- Rainwater tanks come with various accessories. Some of the add-ons are meant to maintain rainwater quality. For instance, a filter system is supposed to trap any debris and purify rainwater before it is directed into the tank for storage. On the same note, rainwater tank diverters help to separate dirty, first-flush stormwater from reaching the tanks. While accessories can be bought separately, others are defaults. Therefore, it is vital to select a rainwater tank that has the right filtration and purification systems to ensure you have access to safe, clean water whenever you need it.
