Pile Construction Details You Must Know For Your Project

27 January 2023
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

When structural engineers want to put up a building, they begin by assessing the geotechnical ability of the area. The examination enables the engineers to determine the soil's ability to support the building and the type of foundation that will suit the project's needs. If the conditions are not suitable, the builders can incorporate strengthening elements called piles. Pile installation, often referred to as piling, involves drilling the foundation via the ground to provide additional strength to the weak soil profile underneath the foundation. The following piece discusses some of the crucial details involved in setting up piles for your project.

What Conditions Precede Pile Construction? 

Several factors influence the decision to install piles in your foundation. The first one is a high water table, which has the tendency to weaken the soil profile and force you to dig deeper for a strong foundation. Secondly, the general nature of the structure could lead to a heavy load considering the construction materials used, which necessitates piling for additional strength. Third, deep canals and cavities near the structure also require you to use piles to alleviate the effects caused by the cavities in the soil. 

What Piling Options Do You Have? 

Pile manufacturers offer different products to suit your project's needs. It helps to understand how each of them works to ensure that you make the right choice for your project. The options available are:

  • End-bearing Piles – the design of an end-bearing pile premises on enabling the pile to transfer a building's heavy load via the pile to a robust soil profile. Essentially, the pile creates a column through the weak soil layer and enables the structure to remain upright by anchoring on the stronger layer. These piles are made from steel, wood or concrete. 
  • Bored Piles – bored piles are a reliable piling option boasting immense strength and durability. Fundamentally, this boils down to a design that requires builders to cast the bored piles into position. The builders must auger the pile by digging a hole that they later fill with concrete, making the setup very stable. Often, bored piles are suitable for construction in densely populated areas because they produce minimal vibrations compared to other piles. 
  • Screwed Piles – screw piles resemble big steel screws, just as their name suggests. The builders get them into position through forceful circular motions that attaches them to reinforced wood or steel surfaces. 
  • Driven Piles – driven piles are the go-to solution when working with non-cohesive and contaminated soil profiles. They comprise long and slender columns made using pre-formed materials with load-bearing capacity. 

For more information, reach out to piling contractors near you.
